10 Minute Kettlebell Workout for an efficient Total Body Workout

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GET MY NUTRITION GUIDE HERE: https://bit.ly/360sOPl
FIND CAST IRON KETTLEBELLS HERE: http://bit.ly/castironkb
FIND KETTLEBELL SETS HERE: http://bit.ly/kettlebellsets
FIND ALL MY OTHER FAVORITE EXERCISE EQUIPMENT HERE: https://www.amazon.com/shop/bodyfitbyamy

A 10 Minute workout that uses kettlebell exercises to sculpt those arms & abs and tone your legs. Kettlebell is a great tool to add diversity to your workout.

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Greg Burch says:

Wife. Goals.

Annie Coates says:

Terrific workout – thank you, from isolation

Flora MacDonald says:

This is my favourite, Amy! Thank you. Great to get back into it. Using a 4kg/ 8lb to get me off and started.

Johnny Bravo says:

Hi, is this safe for my 13 year old son to do? He plays alot of football (soccer) but due to the current covid 19 issues all football has been cancelled. Cheers.

Joy Huang says:

Clear instructions for me to exercise, thank you Amy

LoveBees or Sahket says:

I F*&%ing LOVE this! You're a beast, Amy! THANK YOU!!!! 😀

Adams says:

I'm a female beginner and I found the 15 pound kettlebell to be just perfect. Not too light or heavy for someone who doesn't lift weights.

K Scott says:

This is a good way for me to start. Thanks, Amy.

Olm Koontida says:

It's sòooo good

Aimie Wallace says:

Nice going to try tomorrow. I needed some more training ideas. Looks like hard, fast, sweat go girl

kev hulme says:

Sweating loads so unfit but going to keep at it ….thanks.

Tinyman says:

I got a forearm work out.

Mabille Audrey says:

Does my BF will loose his beer belly with this kind of excercices ? XD

Meredith For Real says:

I just did this for the first time! Awesome! Thanks!

Shari Trumbull says:

Love this quickie total body kb workout, Amy! I just signed up for your 4 Week Kettlebell Program and today is my Day 1 🙂 I added this one on to today's 20 minute KB Blast and ended with your 10 minute Bosu Core–I added that myself to get in extra core work 🙂 I'm also using my heaviest kb–20#, so, I'm really sweaty by the time we're done 🙂 Looking forward to Day 2 tomorrow 🙂 XO-S

Elizabeth DeJesus says:

How much calorie we burn with this workout I love it just curious I didn’t have my watch on

Phillips Mitchell says:

You are keeping me in shape while I'm in self-isolation in NY. Thanks, Amy!

BB1 says:

How come I don’t sweat??!! Weird.

Entangled Edens says:

Thank you Amy! This has been a godsend during this crazy covid 19 quarantine. Time for my kettlebell to shine:)

Sam Learmonth says:

This is great thanks – currently in first few days of mandatory lockdown and this will make a nice workout 👍

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