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FULL BODY 30 day home workout program to help you guys accomplish your goals for FREE! There is no excuse, lets get it done! There will be a dedicated workout for each muscle group daily! You’re only rest will be ACTIVE RECOVERY! Super excited to see you all transformation results. Use this workout plan as well as the last 30 day plan I put together to help achieve your fitness goals!

Workouts will include chest, legs, shoulders, cardio, arms, hitt, and back day routines! There will be a collection of 5 minute, 10 minute, and 20 minute, workouts. You know what time it is! It’s GYMOCLOCK!

👕BullyJuice Merch!🔥 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BL3GQ47?ref=hnd_adp_tp_3

😆👉SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE: http://goo.gl/i0gXGy
😍❤Wifey: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv-kg2QZtqrs6p42ckqntfA
Stay up to day with me.:
📸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bullyjuice/

E-mail me at: mybullyjuice@gmail.com

Get Total Gym TV. | Only $69.95 to stream workouts for a year!


Divesh Mavji says:

Thank me later xD
Day 1 – 20 mins leg https://youtu.be/GfUpbhaCK7Y
Day 2 – 5 chest 5 arm https://youtu.be/_q_-adYzkh0 https://youtu.be/RTF4ADblouI
Day 3 – 20 min cardio, 5 back https://youtu.be/c8IqjLwcN-c https://youtu.be/lhBRwpUc0tg
Day 4 – 20 mins morning, 5 shoulder https://youtu.be/yF4B0OPAOJY https://youtu.be/qroFxwXf1EI
Day 5 – full body workout https://youtu.be/oAPCPjnU1wA
Day 6 – 20 mins cardio https://youtu.be/c8IqjLwcN-c
Day 7 – 10 Daily, 10 leg https://youtu.be/fv3Jrs_5a2I https://youtu.be/1JjuaKI1W-U
Day 8 – 20 upper , 10 abs https://youtu.be/YKCBQKlLheU https://youtu.be/6auB47_9Kq4
Day 9 – 10 love, 10 HIIT https://youtu.be/Irob_m12znc https://youtu.be/ANZoU4QYiHE
Day 10 – 20 mins cardio https://youtu.be/c8IqjLwcN-c
Day 11 – 20 mins full, 5 chest https://youtu.be/oAPCPjnU1wA https://youtu.be/_q_-adYzkh0
Day 12 – 10 shoulder, 5 back https://youtu.be/AczQuVZBd0A https://youtu.be/lhBRwpUc0tg
Day 13 – 20 morning, 5 arm https://youtu.be/yF4B0OPAOJY https://youtu.be/RTF4ADblouI
Day 14 – 20 leg , 5- shoulder https://youtu.be/GfUpbhaCK7Y https://youtu.be/qroFxwXf1EI
Day 15 – 10- Daily, 10- hiit https://youtu.be/fv3Jrs_5a2I https://youtu.be/ANZoU4QYiHE
Day 16 – 20 cardio https://youtu.be/ANZoU4QYiHE
Day 17 – 10 six pack, 5 chest https://youtu.be/eQKzCem0eUs https://youtu.be/_q_-adYzkh0
Day 18 – 20 full body workout https://youtu.be/oAPCPjnU1wA
Day 19 – 10 lower , 5 back https://youtu.be/R7GVr_069gY https://youtu.be/lhBRwpUc0tg
Day 20 – 10 HIIT , 10 shoulder https://youtu.be/ANZoU4QYiHE https://youtu.be/AczQuVZBd0A
Day 21 – 20 min morning, 10 six pack https://youtu.be/yF4B0OPAOJY https://youtu.be/yF4B0OPAOJY
Day 22 – 20-leg, 5 arm https://youtu.be/GfUpbhaCK7Y https://youtu.be/RTF4ADblouI
Day 23 – 20 cardio, 10 back https://youtu.be/c8IqjLwcN-c https://youtu.be/5oG8cMfKx9I
Day 24 – 10 mins morning https://youtu.be/3sEeVJEXTfY
Day 25 – 10 daily, 5 chest https://youtu.be/fv3Jrs_5a2I https://youtu.be/_q_-adYzkh0
Day 26 – full body , 5 back https://youtu.be/oAPCPjnU1wA https://youtu.be/lhBRwpUc0tg
Day 27 – 20 cardio, 5 arm https://youtu.be/c8IqjLwcN-c https://youtu.be/RTF4ADblouI
Day 28 – 20 morning, 10 love https://youtu.be/yF4B0OPAOJY https://youtu.be/Irob_m12znc
Day 29 – 20 upper , 10 shoulder https://youtu.be/YKCBQKlLheU https://youtu.be/AczQuVZBd0A
Day 30 – 20 cardio, 5 chest https://youtu.be/c8IqjLwcN-c https://youtu.be/_q_-adYzkh0

Big Mike says:

How are you not sweating? I’m drenched after the day one workout.

Twisted Journey says:

Going to be shredded in like 2 weeks

Haik Diloyan says:

on the days with 2 workouts – should you do them back to back or take a break in between?

Niels Hogenes says:

please make a video 1 hour full body workout

Xs Gaming says:

I'm skinny I need to get thos gains so i will do this for sure🔥💯

Enrico J says:

Not sure if its the same bullyjuice – but found the “gym….ready” playlist on Spotify and its 💯

C Tarrant says:

Make this the most liked comment please

C Tarrant says:

I'm doing it!!

Rob Dinero says:

Gymaclock nice one

Rob Dinero says:

Dat boy beast

Tanis Sklarchuk says:

Question… I've been working out for 30 yrs… is 10-20 min a day enough? I've been doing 1 hr 4-5 X a week

David Cross says:

Okay have been wondering this for a long time. I am pretty sure you said your weight is 195 pounds but what is your height?

Klaus Lewis says:

Should u diet for the 30 days as well bully? How often should I cheat on it?

James Cruz says:

Boom. Just subscribed to this youtube account and followed your instagram. As a U.S Marine I always stay fit. Your videos have given me knowledge on what works best, they've shown me the right form on each workout and when's the best days to work on the muscle groups. Definitely doing the 30 day challenge and you will be tagged in it! Keep the grind alive!!

Mihajlo Nedeljković says:

I dont have school until September so I'll work out cuz i cant go to gym

RUSSEL Maniaul says:

Lets do this💪

LJ M says:

Bully you are awesome! Great video! I appreciate your motivation

Dylan Ford says:

Good stuff bully I'm glad to see you still helping people grind everyday 💪

Jacobi McGregor says:

My birthday is next Friday I’ll be 15

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