30-Minute Total Body Mini Band Workout | MFit

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COVID-19: During these tough times, I hope you find these home workouts helpful! These workouts are completely free, and I do not make a cent from them. With that said, trainers and fitness instructors are not able to make much (if any) money at this time. So, if you enjoyed this workout and you think it is worth something, please consider donating to the MFit GoFundMe Campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-support-mfit

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A brand new mini band workout for you! You can take this with you anywhere! These bands are easy to take with you to work, vacation, or anywhere in between! Get ready to tone everything!

* For the printable workout click here: https://mollymcnamee.com/2017/08/08/30-minute-total-body-mini-band-workout/


Nutrition/Supplements —
Get 20% off BPI products using code: MOLLYMC


Shoes: Nike
Leggings: GapFit
Sports Bra: LuLu Lemon
Mini Bands: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072P146FN

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Margarita A says:

Who would say this workout would be useful for quarantine 3 years later?? Thanks Molly, it was a great workout! I love mini bands too

Stefan Prole says:

Only thing you need for home workout is resistance workout set.💪😍🏆

You can do anything you want with them, they are simple to use and you can gain great muscle. I got my at trainhome shop (check on google)🏆.

Chien-Li Ross says:

I loooove this workout-I've tried other mini band workouts, but yours is REALLY effective!

Sara Ekholm says:

Oh my lord thank you so much for this!! First workout im not getting tired of! I love the mini bands and i love that i can do it everywhere! Thank you. 🙏🏼

Jerry Cornelius says:

I'm on fire! Excellent workout, Ma'am. Thank Heavens for bandwidth.

Stacy Turner says:

Loved your band work out ! Perfect for mom stuck home quarantined! Thank you!!

StyleManor says:

It’s 6 am , the sun is coming up and I have not been to sleep since yesterday at 8 am when I woke up from the previous nights sleep. Just Typing that was a brainful …here I am in an attempt to help me get sleepy (which I know won’t work) I’ll absolutely be more pumped and ready for work at 9 am.. but I’m hoping for at least 1 hour. Working out sounded like a good idea and I just got some resistance bands! I’m going to the inner harbor water front to work out. Not a beach but this is my opportunity to get back into working out Consistently with a beautiful backdrop. @about.quay_

Hazel says:

Did this during quarantine period to try my new toys (aka mini bands). And it burns!! Thank you for this!!

Lorna Power says:

wow, that was tough but amazing can really feel like I'm working my muscles with your mini band workouts, thank you so much!

Tricia Powell says:

I’ve had these bands and worked with them for a while but never at home. The coronavirus pandemic made me bring these out finally and this was such a great workout! I worked up a sweat and can’t wait to do more. Thank you!

Anna Lyden says:

I abso-glutely loved this workout!! You're awesome 🙂

Massimo170110 says:

Hi Molly, getting totally hooked on the mini bands! More 30m sessions please😻

Liz Avis says:

Thanks for sharing great workout. How do we get abs

Marie Ofori says:

I'm 5months pregnant and this is the best workout I have found so far. I felt super comfortable and got a complete workout. Everything felt safe and really toning. Amazing workout!! Very much recommended for everyone, including pregnant people. Loved it!! New favourite for sure. Thanks a million Molly! Xx

Elin R says:

Thank you for all of these videos! Love your energy

JJM Boston says:

Good range of exercises. Thanks for posting.

Cheryl Hansen says:

Thank you! My daughter and I did this today for our between yoga day workout.

Nur Azra says:

Just added this video to my workout routine and it is awesome! Wonderful! Thanks so much X. From Malaysia

Anup V says:

This is probably the best at home workout video I’ve watched. I go to the gym fairly regularly and was looking for a decent workout video to challenge me. I love the way she also describes the muscle to focus on and establishing that mind muscle connection. Doing lower body workouts with these kind of bands is relatively easier, but she also managed to demonstrate very good exercises for the lats and shoulders. Thanks a lot for this!

Caron Cohen says:

We are shelter in place here in Dallas. Besides running alone, I needed to continue strength training. Mini bands and resistance bands are working well. Great workout–

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