8 Hamstring Exercises | Calisthenics/Bodyweight Training

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8 Calisthenics Hamstring Exercises

Exercises used in this video:
1. Hamstring bridge
2. Single leg hamstring bridge
3. Elevated Hamstring Bridge
4. Single Leg elevated hamstring Bridge
5. Bodyweight prone leg curl
6. Single leg prone leg curl
7. Hanging Leg curls
8. Hanging Single-leg curl

“Pilot Error” by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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bobolatrick says:

Thank youuuu❤️gonna try some of these tomorrow. I did some donkey kicks today (110 on each side) but I needed more. I like these 🙏

Túllio Oliveira says:

They really work! Thank you very much brother!

AS1 says:

awesome, i was struggling with slides, now i have a plan to work through.

Cosmic Heretic says:

The body-weight leg curls are great! Thanks big time!

weenermeat says:

I did the running man to this song.

Rocco Bobber Lone Rider says:

Bw leg curl on floor are hardAF

Frank Duchs says:

nice man, thank you! gonna try these bodyweight leg curls for sure

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