Bodyweight Exercises For Absolute Beginners

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Yee Yee says:

yo they arent saying do all of em… they are telling you to get started with some that you can do.

T.N.S. A. says:

It is sad for a person like me who could do 200 pushups has to start from scratch (knee pushups) post surgery. Take care people.

Jacques Ducret says:

« Absolute beginner » man! Have you ever met an absolute beginner? What planet do you live on? Namek?

FromBeToReality says:

yeah. "absolute beginners." um-huh!!!

the superhumans had me fooled until one skinned the cat!!! WTF!!! THAT was an "absolute beginner" move?!!!

and THEN were some other superhuman moves!!!

yeah. thanks alex/alec!!!!

no, seriously. THANKS!!!!

Kriegerdammerung says:

Six years and I still don't find that version of Strength of a Thousand Men!

Michelle Lamont says:

This is ridiculous for a beginner. These are plyometric exercises and beginners would be quite prone to injury doing these. Dont do these if your a beginner.

Mark E Pugliano says:

fantastic video, very motivational.

xyzct says:

Great. Now do a video for primordial ooze.

Ted Stevens says:

I am working toward being an "absolute beginner."

Don't get me wrong, I intend to continue to improve until I can do the more advanced moves I want to do, but I am starting from somewhere far more out of shape than some people. A body showing decades of neglect that needs to be corrected.

John Johnson says:

For many people, "bodyweight" = "no equipment"

Para de assistir Luna, PORRA!!!!! says:

Holy shit!!! I’m surprised with the huge amount of comments from people saying they can’t do the exercises in the video. If you can’t do the exercises shown, you must be extremely overweight or have some crazy muscular problem, you should look for a doctor urgently.

Anthony McCarthy says:

Maybe if you start out in the shape these guys are in.

ElEternoPoetaLuis says:

Your absolute begginer is my advance workout. Now I feel like shit.

Haim Shapiro says:

Bit tough on rotatory cuff and biceps tendon?

B BG says:

Message: If you can't do these as ABSOLUTE Beginner, don't even bother to start with Calisthenics!.

QuackerJack09 says:

horrible music …

mustafa sabeel says:

Love this music

Nicola K-S says:

Are these exercises ok for women as I don't want bulging muscles, just toning?

Babeuf says:

Its, for me, thanks

Jericho Ultima says:

Wonderful… but How many reps for each exercise?

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