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For more videos like this, visit: https://www.parkinson.org/Living-with-Parkinsons/Resources-and-Support/PD-Health-at-Home/Fitness-Fridays As part of the PD Health @ Home program, this free video series focuses each week on one aspect of fitness designed to support people living with Parkinson’s. [More]
Join U-TurnPD Coach & Physiotherapist Jordyn for a 20 Minute Stretch from a seated position for people with Parkinson’s! Equipment: chair or wall for balance for some stretches Be sure to hit the LIKE button [More]
Join us for Parkinson’s exercise class that’s both energetic AND athletic designed to improve your health and function and help you manage the symptoms through PD specific exercise. Join us @ 10:30 AM Pacific Time! [More]
Try this exercise to get moving and Shouting with the whole PFP team. Remember to call out the exercises “heel, toe, heel, toe!” for an added vocal challenge. And, as Lauren would say, if you [More]
5 Stretches to Do Daily to Feel Your Best | 3-Minute Parkinson’s Exercise Class Spending 3 minutes every day on these simple, seated stretches can go a long way to maintaining mobility and flexibility and [More]
Stretches for a Deep, Refreshing Sleep | Exercises for Parkinson’s Are you having trouble sleeping? Over 75% of people with Parkinson’s report sleep-related symptoms. In this quick stretch routine, Nadine Eram shows you how to [More]
Here’s my take on one of the most overlooked stretches in Parkinson’s exercise programs. I explain the stretch, how to stretch, and why I believe it is so critical to avoiding falls and walking backwards [More]
Click link to visit SmartXPD’s Amazon Store: https://www.amazon.com/smartxpd This video includes 5 great Parkinson’s exercises designed to address the symptoms and a really cool BONUS stretch which activates your central nervous system (CNS) to allow [More]
This is part 2 of how to fight rigidity ifnyou have Parkinson’s disease. It’s time we will be stretching your trunk and legs. Rigidity is common when you have Parkinson’s disease. In fact it is [More]
If you have Parkinson’s disease, you will be experiencing rigidity. Rigidity is the difficulty of moving certain parts of your body. In Parkinson’s disease this can be described as cogwheel rigidity. When you have rigidity, [More]
Parkinson’s patients commonly suffer from slumped posture, restricted mobility, and limited lateral motion. Here are 3 simple exercises patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and others suffering similar alignments can benefit from. At Mind & Mobility [More]
Kimberly Berg, MS Will Show You How to do a Beginner Parkinson’s Hip Flexor Stretch
PARKINSONS DISEASE | MORNING STRETCHES | PT 1 | Balance Physical Therapy DR. ADAM BARNARD PT, DPT CLINICAL DIRECTOR: PRUNEDALE http://www.balancept.com http://www.instagram.com/balanceptmove
Parkinson’s Disease is a neurological disease that presents most often with tremors, stooped posture, rigidity, slowness of movement, and loss of flexibility. However, with daily consistent exercises, you can improve your posture. Learn 3 exercises [More]
Download our Parkinson’s Therapy here : – http://9ze.st/PD_app This video has a list of about 7 stretching exercises that help manage Parkinson’s disease and alleviate symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Stretching exercises are healthy for everyone [More]
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