Frozen Shoulder Post-Stroke

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@mrstevek118 says:

I could use my cane. Just put two hands on it and do the same thing. Right

@jennifergriffith1894 says:

Hello. Where can i purchase this please?

@charleseddy6545 says:

This is a question for Dr. T, or anyone else who has encountered this. My involved leg is now transitioning from hyperextending when I walk, to bending. I'm walking like a chimp.

What exercises can I do to transition from a chimp to Homo Erectus?

@arogyaphysiotherapyclinicp418 says:

Don't mind madam you immediately go for complete body check up. I can observe so many changes in you. Please dont ignore I hope not for any underlying problem. Reply soon

@virginiamilliner6889 says:

I have a subluxation. Do you have exercises to help get that problem back to normal or close to it?

@virginiamilliner6889 says:

I have a sublexatio

@kicknowledgesmith8608 says:

I remember I had frozen shoulder in the beginning, it was painful to try to stretch it. After therapy and working at home, I can now move my shoulder. The problem I'm experiencing currently is arm extension. The bicep has a ton of spasticity and my tricep muscle is weak.

@ernestreid9296 says:

Thank You Tara, for showing me more movements I can do with my arm pully. Also leaning on a table and moving my affected arm with a wrist weight. These little things in the long run will make a big difference.

@irishphilly says:

Dr T, As ever, your services and the video productions are SO appreciated; but, your patience in continually reviewing & varying the same fundamentals in different words is Nobel Peace Prize worthy. I think post-Covid, 2024 'new normal', I'm 'hearing' & now practicing what you've said ALL Along: an intention, a goal, slow progress even w plateaus is steady progress; then, review, new intention/goal… Between brain fog, habitual skeletal/muscular orientation, & impatience,–okay, stubborness, I've heard & believed you about neurological damage & differences–but, somehow didn't 'Get It'. 2024: Just woke up one day in Neurology-a-Go-Go with a very strange patience & clarity for practice, you tutoring, same same that 6 weeks ago drove me Mad Hatter. I think the 3 billion shoulder explanations, different visuals & animations of muscles & scapula haunt my synapses. Your mind control is working! I believe you and hear you in my head and? I'm rewiring my approaches to slower, gradual, mysterious progress. Thank you again.

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