Get a Bigger Chest in 22 Days! (HOME CHEST WORKOUT)

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If you want to get a bigger chest at home, this one pushup workout will help you to build a big chest in just 22 days. The key to this home chest workout is that it progresses you through various pushups while demanding that you improve on your rep counts along the way. It consists of three weeks of testing and non-testing days that will quickly build up your chest while increasing the number of pushups you can do in one set by half.

The way this pushup workout works is by first establishing your max pushups to failure in a set. From here, you rest two minutes and attempt to complete one and a half times this number in something we call “grinder style”. This means, you are allowed to rest along the way but you cannot put your knees on the ground, stand up, or lift more than one hand off the ground at any one time.

From here, we start a series of three non-testing days. In these workouts, the goal is to perform a specific pushup variation for the same number of reps that you did on your max pushups from the most recent testing day. Here however, you are allowed to rest/pause when you fatigue and you are advised to stop a few reps short of total muscle failure. This is to accommodate for the fact that you will be doing a lot of pushups over the next 3 weeks.

The second half of the non-test day workouts require that you go back to performing standard pushups, except this time you have to complete your maximum plus 10 percent (on the first non-test day in a block) 20 percent (on the second non-test day in a block) or 30 percent (on the third and final non-test day in a block). Again here, you do not have to perform these pushups unbroken. You simply have to get them done, stopping 2-3 reps shy of failure and using rest/pause if needed to do so.

The blocks continue to progress and advance with each new testing day. Be sure to re-test your maximum number of pushups at the start of each new block since you will likely be increasing your overall pushup and chest strength meaning that your number is going to increase. Each block is based on the number of max pushups that you are able to achieve on the test day that starts the block.

We continue until we reach our final day of the 22 day workout for a bigger chest. Here, you are to go back to your original max number of pushups from day 1 and attempt to complete one and a half times this number, unbroken. This is not to be performed in grinder style. These are straight pushups. You will be amazed at how many more pushups you can do now than you could just 21 days ago.

When you want to build a big chest fast, you have to attack your pecs with a plan. This 3 week workout will progressively overload your chest and introduce variations of pushups that will build not just your chest but help you get bigger shoulders and triceps as well. The fastest way to build a big chest at home is to increase the volume of the most classic chest exercise there is.

This home chest workout will get your chest growing quickly. Try it out and be sure to share it with a friend to see who makes the better chest gains in three weeks. Push each other to keep at it and keep checking back to make sure you never forget which chest exercise you need to do along the way to your final test.

If you’re looking to get a bigger chest and more, and only want to use your own bodyweight workouts to do so, be sure to look at the ATHLEAN XERO program available at via the link below. Start trading in workout length for intensity and see how much bigger your chest can be with intense home chest workouts like this.

For more videos on how to build a bigger chest and the best home chest workout, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube via the link below and don’t forget to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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ATHLEAN-X™ says:

NEW “FAST ACTION” Q&A – Leave your most burning question about this video or any other training, PT or nutrition question within the first 2 hours of this video’s release (AS A SEPARATE COMMENT!!) and I will pick 8 to get a detailed reply from me right here in the comments. Answers will be posted within the first 24-48 hours of you leaving the question. Good luck!

stefon dai Thomas says:

Who knew there were that many variations of the push up 🤯. OK Jeff I'll give it a good go see you in 22 days with the results

Sai ML says:

I can do 30 Max and 55 max..can't understand what I do next plss help me

Daniel_ken46po says:

Can I do my other workouts including this each day or drop them to do this for the 22 days?

Urvaksh Bagwadia says:

Imma do it for all the teen guys my age out there providing an update every day with what precautions and things to look out for –
Day 1-

mega leo says:

Uuh, man, it's gonna hurt.

Bogdan Bulatovic says:

Am I the only one that could do 60% of my max after those 2min ? Like i did 40 then 25 after

Deadpool says:

Day 1 (test day): 30 push ups max. 29 on grinder set (couldn’t get close to 45 haha)

Darkbdlz says:

my biggest issue with this is the soreness. If you go to failure every day you will be sore on the next next day. How are you suppose to continue to work out every day if you are really sore?

Swift Fluency says:

Just did my first workout, man it was hard! But it feels great, need a pull-up 22 challenge!

Ryan Story says:

Hey Jeff, can this type of programming be applied to pullups?

It's Finnagain says:

Should I substitute this for a full chest workout?

GY says:

3:47 Is that test day max + 10%, the 10% of what I did to failure or 10% of what I did by grinding?

So for example if I did 50 to failure and then 75 with grinding, on day 1 am I supposed to do 55 or ~83 ?

Latter one seems a bit impossible though

Rusty C21 says:

What if you fail grinder style? Did 25 slow controlled pushups first set, however I didn't even get close to 38 in grinder style 2 min after..

Daav3r Gam3r says:

Im here to say something about the First day!!! The 1.5x DOSENT WORK!! Im already dead

bonnington says:

you talk so fast and its complicated the way you explain

harsh Dhaliwal says:

Way too confusing!!!!

samarth sharma says:

where's my maths book?!

JV says:

I can only do 1 rep. Does this mean I can do 1.5 reps after 22 days?

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