How do we experience time? – Matt Danzico

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Why is that some experiences feel like they last forever, while others fly by? We tend to miscalculate the time it takes to engage in novel activities due to the influence of memories. Matt Danzico explains why your childhood feels like it lasted forever and why that beach vacation seemed like two months rather than two weeks.

Lesson by Matt Danzico, animation by London Squared Productions.

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sweettea4thesoul says:

I guessed 15 seconds. So I underestimated. Ironically I feel as if I process things faster which means that time with technically feel slower to me.
However I usually watch a video at 2.0 speed but for the sake of this experiment I set it to 1.5 perhaps that contributed to underestimating. Lol.

Joe Hey says:

Considering how old this video is, how education is a blessing, and realizing how science has never been implemented into the culture, how important it is, specifically how important time Perception is, and how no one even cares to know about science, still baffles me. I love this stuff, I breathe this, I live this

P.A.W.S The Traveling Gamer says:

I got 25 seconds

Bonchito Govindodas says:

Planking dilates time for me

hung levan says:

The video sound is pretty good, beyond my imagination

Juan Cordova says:

I guessed 25. What does that mean?

Devoted AMV's says:

I cant believe that I actually did this at 4am in the morning and also underestimating the time and not overestimating… 💀

YoReyn says:

can i slow down time using this please answer

capt_toad7890 says:

I estimated 20 seconds

Elvis Sibilia says:

Nice video. Philochrony is the theory that describes the nature of time and demonstrates its existence. Time is magnitive: objective, Imperceptible and measurable.

Hiu Tung FUNG says:

i guessed 7 seconds lmao could TED-Ed explain it in the next video

Zulkifl says:

I guessed 20 second

ODEMAE says:


Sayan Chakraborty says:

Great lesson !

CryptidCorvid says:

This is literally the most terrifying thing like what

CryptidCorvid says:

so here’s my nightmare fuel for the next 666 years of my life

Bencil Busher says:

i said a minute -.-

Ben says:

Twirled around, ripped headphones off, stopped video. 🙁

Az Op says:

But why time seems so long in a boring class and very fast in an interesting class or activity??

Saarni Laaksonen says:

I said 25… Nice

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