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Creating Your Own Customized Workout Plan!
Here are my tips & tricks on how to develop a customized workout plan that will effectively work for you ☺️
If you have any of the following questions, give it a watch!

▹ How many days per week should I be going?
▹ How should I break up my workout split?
▹ How do I know what exercises to be doing & how many to do?
▹ How can I keep track of my workout plan?
▹ How many sets & reps should I be doing?


Someways by Nicolai Heidlas Music
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)…
Music provided by Audio Library

SUNNY HOLIDAYS by Nicolai Heidlas Music
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0…
Music provided by Audio Library

Get Total Gym TV. | Only $69.95 to stream workouts for a year!


Tamar Zurabiani says:

It helps🥳🥳🥳(I'm from 2020 in quarantine)

Tessa Couch says:

Thank you so much! This AMAZING!!! video has helped me so much!!!❤

Martin Pupos says:

This is so helpful and informative. Plus that voice and look is slowly melting my eyes lol. Thanks, Sophie!

Blerta Doni says:

You can win free gems in GameCrock !

being Ayushi says:

Could anybody take a moment and appreciate how beautiful she is looking 😍😊

scarlett rojas says:

The most helpful video out there!

Will Scougall says:

Thanks sooooo much this helped a lot

Karla Palacios says:

Im watching this during quarantine in 2020.

Keshav Chhatre says:

Maybe it's first time when a girl fall in love with another girl😂😂😘😘 She's so cute 💜💜

And really I was struggling to have a workout plan and you helped me A LOT Thank you 😍😍

Fran says:

Should i do abs on my upper body days or add it in my lower body days? Because i saw people doing that but im confused, if it's upper body why should i work them on my lower body days? I don't know if that made sense ahaha i just want to get the best results i can

KK Cathcart says:

You’re literally GORGEOUS

Liam Lewis says:

Great video really helpful x

Allie F says:

I love organizing and writing stuff down too!

Round5fit says:

thanks for the tips! sometimes im just to lazy to really think about my goals for fitness sometimes i just wanna work out loool but this helps a lot

wingching choi says:

this is so helpful! also enjoy watching your talking~

Muna S says:

I know this is way far than the vid's goal, but you look cute and beautiful 🌼

BrownGirl Meg says:

You are adorable ☺️

Rican gg says:

I work full time and still in high school , I get work release so I leave at 10:30 but it’s hard to find time because then I’m always tired 😭

ninjaneer tf2 says:

My goal is higher sperm production

Sasha N says:

Yo I wear prescription glasses, are yours prescription too? So cute! Where and what brand are they from?

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