Low Back Strengthening Exercises

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This exercise video has been developed by Townsville Chiropractors to use in conjunction with chiropractic treatment to improve the flexibility of your lower back.

If any of these exercises cause you pain or discomfort, stop immediately and consult your chiropractor.

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Manuela Gonzalez says:

Damn she couldn’t wash her filthy feet before hand? They’re dirty af.

Debra Denison says:

However, I do appreciate that with the first movement has a pandiculating quality to it. Good for the stuck stress reflexes in the front and the back of the body.

Debra Denison says:

Some of these movements are virtually impossible to do if one is stuck in a twist (trauma reflex/cringe response). If you force these movements and you are stuck in a twist you will habituate the twist to make most of these movements. As a consequence, more pain for the client, typically the next day. The first movement should be done your back, knees bent, hip width apart. This way, the surface will give the brain instant feed back and so much focus will not be in holding yourself up on your arms. This is a distraction for the brain. You want the least amount of distraction for the Nervous System, so it can learn something new.

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