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While repetition is important when first learning, variation is the key to having an enjoyable exercise experience and getting results! ACCESS ALL of MY FULL-LENGTH WORKOUTS: https://www.wecoachworkouts.com/ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL — https://www.youtube.com/user/exerciseelements SUBSCRIBE TO [More]
Please like / subscribe if you found this routine useful, and feel free to check out our other exercise guides. For those interested in checking out more about our Melbourne Based Bootcamp’s head to our [More]
To help you prevent spasticity or manage it in the moment, check out these 4 strategies for keeping this MS complication under control as you go about your busy life.
Looking to burn belly fat? Watch this quick #shorts video for tips on how to achieve your belly fat loss goals fast! how to lose weight fast,weight loss tips,aerobic workout,how to lose belly fat,how to [More]
http://RobertsonTrainingSystems.com If you have clients or athletes who are struggling with Jumper’s Knee, here are 10 exercises you can start using TODAY to reduce their pain and get them BACK to their favorite activities. Athletes [More]
If walking is so good for you why’s it causing all this pain – especially knee pain when walking. Hospitals and Clinics recommend at least 150 minutes of walking a week. And everyone wants to [More]
Are you looking for a great shoulder exercise to do? Look no further! In this video, we’ll show you 6 great ways to do shoulder exercise, to help improve your shoulder flexibility and strength. Shoulder [More]
In this video you’ll learn my top 8 evidence-backed tips to answer the question “How to Lose Love Handels Effortlessly”, MY SUPPORTING LINKS ➢🔔Book a FREE COACHING Call: http://tinyurl.com/DrMikeCoaching ➢My recommended EHPlabs supplements https://www.ehplabs.com/mike-diamonds 10% [More]
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“I had my tkr [total knee replacement] year before but my knee still stiff and tights and bending is 90 only and have pain from surgery X-rays shows everything okay with exercise is going to [More]
The hamstring muscles are the muscles that bend the knee. This muscle group is extremely important when relearning how to walk. In this video, you will learn the best hamstring activation exercises to improve overall [More]
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