Top 5 Exercises That Increase Athletic Performance

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Last week we visited the MP headquarters in Denver, CO to get some exclusive content with their knowledgeable athletes and coaches. In this video we asked Strength and Conditioning Coach Loren Landow what he felt were the top 5 exercises to increase athletic performance.

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Muscle & Strength says:

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Stephen A. Katz says:

I love the way you but off the woman's head and feet when she's doing the deadlift. I hate seeing entire athletes do exercises.

Cricket is life! says:

Reps and rounds?

Christian Bayne Dayoha says:

How many reps should be done per exercise

Mark Lucas says:

Many benefits, benefits are many

kakasvk says:

"Drive through the heel" lol. Ok, I'm turning this video off

dark lighting says:

If you go to a real coaching athlete you'll see that no one is doing the deadlift exercise because it is not effective and the risk to reward ratio sucks. Replace the deadlift with a real exercise like power cleans which actually enhances your explosiveness, Jump squats and glute bridges are also very important exercise.


where is the front squat

Zach Schilleci says:

Lol Medicine ball throw and Rotation? Should have picked deadlifts, weighted chin-ups, overhead press, squats and pendlay rows

freyn11 says:

He’s pulling really early on the clean

Golden Finger says:

2:47 yeeeeeett

Alzy Moore says:

Can't wait to throw a medicine ball behind me! Lol

Kenny Leivang says:

thats a fucked up hang clean technique lmao

Etenek Zavoyevatel says:

You show your face too much. We wanna see exercises not your dumbass face

Levi Williams says:

Turkish get up?

Kevin Lee says:

Good video, but please do not imitate the hang clean. Very poor form and he was catching the bar with his wrist.

Keith Thompson says:

Obviously you need to take enough time to learn how to do the clean properly, but once you do, the clean is absolutely the best lift for developing athleticism. It requires using all the major muscle groups in one explosive burst, as one does in sports, but just as importantly, the clean trains the NEURO-MUSCULAR system to fire along the correct pathways through the body's core strength, increasing coordination, explosiveness and reflexes.

Mukhtar Abdul-Jabbar says:

I like the over head dumbbell throw

B P says:

Much here is good but I would have my gym membership cancelled if I threw a medicine ball over my head in the gym

Ahmed says:

Overhead press should 100% be here.

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