Why people don't Build Muscle with Bodyweight Exercise

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its 5'9"

Mansi Chawla says:

My actual name is shivam my age is 15 years old and I want to build muscle and strength so please post a workout according to my level which takes25 minutes

Stevie says:

u dnt ned weigts?

Average Gamer says:

I did gym for 6 months gained little mass been doing body weight training since December my body fat is 13% from 17% and my muscles have improved in size and definition

Mr Bee says:

Good advice on "working hard working smart balance"… and the benefits that yield. This point always seems to fade when bombarded with so much info within the fitness industry.

Bay Zercher says:

ı m not look like bodybuilder. ı dont want massive legs.or massive arms. because massive is obstacle. but if you want to be strong, flexiblety also stamina bodyweight exercise are the best. if you want challenge you always add weights your exercises.

Christine says:

I actually wonder why gymnasts do look bulkier than the well-known BWE heros out there – maybe those gymnasts are on roids!? Otherwise, there must be something to default gymnastics training that differs from what the (P)CCs teach us. Or maybe it's related to those gymnasts starting at a very early age in life.

Gi Karadi says:

to get more muscle mass with bodyweight exercises and to increase the force weve got to increase the load via extra weight and high volume of concentrated work and/ or via increasing the moments on the body (its the gymnastic style progression ,although at the beginning the tendons are the major absorbers -achtung /carefull-danger) .Also in many exercises is wise not to perform full reps but work statically or in the effective range of motion only .

Min Young Kim says:

how often do you train a week? I'm just waiting for that workout routine video 🙂

coa106 says:

new subscriber. enjoying your videos. 👍

Boris Barrois says:

Well, since i started to do bodyweight training, i read and watched alot of stuff about it. Lately i read CC, Paul Wades book about gaining muscle with bodyweigt training and to be honest, when i watch guys like Al Kavadlo and his brother i'm wondering why they don't build huge muscles? I mean Al is a very strong guy and can preform awsome stuff but he dosn't look very muscular.
Sure, genetics are a big point but, like Al, there are a lot of guy who do bodyweight training and they are not realy jacked. They look more athletic, then a like a bodybuilder.
Then only guys i saw, who said they train only BW and looked huge are guys who seem to take steroids, to be honest.

So from my part, i just do my training, take what i get in part of gaining and be happy with it. But i don't expect to much in case of growing muscle. I think when you take a look at popular persons who well known for bodyweight training, like Mark Lauren, Al Kavadlo and his brother, you see more or less how far you will come after some years of training.
Not so much muscle but huge strengths. I think, for a realy bodybuilding look, you have to train with weights.

Nikola Gogic says:

What's your opinion on using weighted calisthenics for hitting 5-15 reps vs using a mind to muscle connection for getting 5-15 reps ?
On another note, is it possible to get to advanced bodyweight movements (planche, oap, front lever) by using the mind to muscle connection training method?

Rex Daileg says:

I'm 5 8 ectomorph hahaha i love your channel and geekamd's

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