The TRUTH About Rowing Machines…

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My honest thoughts on rowing machines and why so many fail to stick with rowing as a form of exercise. Moral of the story: your rowing machine needs to allow you to successfully progress yourself and stay consistent with a routine!

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Training Tall says:

Cannot believe I have to say this… but for those that think that this is some kind of "Hydrow sponsorship", please stop with the cynicism.

I am NOT sponsored by Hydrow. I don't know how many times I have to say it…

"But you have an affiliate link"…. please understand that ANYONE can get an affiliate link for ANYTHING – and that I get myself an affiliate link for any product that I mention in a video – Concept 2, WaterRower, dumbbells, yoga mats…

I don't know how to be any more sincere than how I talk in this video… obviously the things that I talk about don't apply to EVERYONE – but the 90%+ people that try rowing and never stick with it…

If you don't think I'm being sincere, please leave my channel and never return because I won't stand for cynical accusations and assumptions – you clearly don't know me. Thanks for your understanding and hope that you're all doing okay!

hotmax80 says:

Yes you are right but only with beginners, people that just start exercising. Someone that's been training and exercising for years like me, I don't need a 2k machine to get engaged, a 200$ machine is good enough. Same thing like weight training.

Phil says:

Dude what about WaterRower brand machines, do you recommend those ?

Terminallyloudbirb says:

Rowing is awesome, def got in the best fitness of my life just trying to beat my own numbers every workout.

Jack Black says:

Put on some music and keep rowing!

R Cheesman says:

I did indoor cycling, steady state and long "boring" rides… without anything on the machine. The horrendous inaccuracy of the "display" meant I practically ripped the thing off and never bothered with it. I'm considering rowing as the bike has failed me (bearings are shot). Looking at getting a rower instead for more body engagement but my budget is the exact one you said wouldn't provide anything useful. Great start.

George Smith says:

Add me to the C2 proponent list. Many of your comments are on target. Others, not so much. I’m not sure your comments on “engagement” aren’t just a commercial for either a trainer or an expensive video add-on. I done row because I need a cheerleader to get me into it. I row because of the physical effort I experience. I also row because of its simplicity. My C2 is bulletproof and trouble free. I do recommend listening to podcast or reading a book on a reading app like Kindle. The latter take a little practice but if you master it, reading pays credible dividends. Engagement seem to me to be a problem inherent in exercise. It isn’t only a “rowing issue”.

Chavez586 says:

Same goes for treadmills and stationary bikes

botch13 says:

I've got a cheapo water rower with the absolute worst electronics ever, practically useless, but for actual rowing at home, it's easy to turn on the TV and go. I use it almost every day. Only reason it works for me, is because once a week I go to work early and check my progress on a Concept 2 lol.

henry demers says:

As someone who has been rowing on the ergs for over haft my life I can say that it never gets not boring

Ryan D. says:

I’ve had my C2 for about three years now. Fantastic piece of equipment, worth every penny.

I basically only use it twice a week for about 20 (hard) minutes and I have been very pleased with the results. Good cardio workout

CDbiggen says:

Great video. Bought my concept 2 about two years ago. The rowing machine has always been my go to machine ever since I was a teen, I'm just built for it I think (tall, broad shouldered, etc). Before I bought it I was using it most days at the gym for 30mins to an hour. Absolutely right about the engagement, it can get boring and if you lose focus you can lose your form. The concept 2s come with a phone holder to help with this, but i find phones too small. Personally I can row in front of the TV (just one 40 minute episode of something on TV) and keep a steady pace and once you get that routine, not only do lose weight, you build strength and stamina. if you stay consistent, you'll see those rowing numbers increase on their own in no time as you pull harder and stay on it longer. Really important as well not to go crazy on it, otherwise you'll burn yourself out and drop that all important routine.

MPA85 says:

I started rowing because riding a stationary bike is REALLY boring and a one sided workout. I can still row and listen to the television. I have such fun and feel so good after rowing that I am very motivated by it.
I have a budget rowing from Decathlon 500B that costs 450 euro new but I am very happy with it. I plan on rowing forever because I physically feel better from rowing than any of the other physical activities I do at home.
I don't think I need a huge screen and all that because I am motivated without it.
Who knows, if and when I row my current rower to death, I will invest in a better one? All in all, I have fallen in love with rowing.

Lori Neely says:

Love the passion and honesty

sweetkasimolassy says:

I'm considered obese after being cancer free I fell in love with eating again without the illness that comes from chemo
But as a mom and someone who always enjoyed soccer and baseball I felt a need to get back the life I fought for. I'm sad I didn't see this video until I had purchased a sunnyhealth one my Dr suggested rowing just to bring up my endurance and muscle strength in general but I'll just save for a concept 2 now! I didn't really think of why some were cheaper I kinda just rushed in, so I think you for making this video and the honesty behind it

Cappen Boidseye says:

All depends what you want, why you want it and what you ca…, oh, 2 year old video, pointless commenting on this historical video!

John Tait says:

A very informative and interesting video. Thank you for talking so candidly about rowing and the myths of "exercise". 👍

Coal Akida says:

This was awesome, Thank you

Brian Newton says:

Appreciate this concept (that cheap rowing machines won't provide the feedback, info and engagement to keep you in it for the long haul), but in my experience the big primary issue with people buying fitness products is they spend a whole bunch of money on something, find out they don't like it or can't keep up with the habit and it becomes a clothes rack. Buying a less expensive rower is a way to "try out" the hobby. It's good to know that if you enjoy the exercise, that upgrading to a more expensive machine is worth it, but asking people who've never had experience with an activity to buy a super high quality (and expensive) first tool is likely to lead a lot of people to waste a lot of money. I think perhaps focusing on ways that people can get some enjoyment out of lower end machines, with including the limitations and when to upgrade would be a useful video.

Malvavisco says:

Hm, I listened to audiobooks and podcasts or music while on the rower at the gym. I really enjoyed the motion. I just had my iPod on an armband, so I was easily able to listen to something and row at the same time. I haven’t been to the gym since Covid started (I do home workouts instead), and I don’t have room for a rower at home, but I do miss having access to one at the gym. I would alternate between that and the elliptical.

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