5 Best Chest Exercises for Men Over 40

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While the chest can make a huge visual impact on your physique, it can also be one of the toughest muscle-groups to build, especially as we get older.

If you’ve been performing every chest exercise known to man, yet are still unsatisfied with your results, then listen up because in this video we share the 5 best joint-friendly chest exercises for building bigger, more well-developed pecs for men over 40.

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1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20093960/
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3831787/
3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24169471/
4. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232218111_Electromyographical_Activity_of_the_Pectoralis_Muscle_During_Incline_and_Decline_Bench_Presses
5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16095407/
6. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12436270/

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Derek Spainhower says:

Am i supposed to head bang while doing the dumbell incline presses?

Andy says:

A big chest is a big responsibility as you get older… So easy for it to look like crap if you don't keep up with the intense workouts

Kenny Rollins says:

None of these guys look like they are in their 40s lol

Sick Willy says:

Do some inclines, declines, flat, pushups, pull-ups, just lift, good form, progressive overload, to failure, eat right, cardio. Be consistent. You will grow and be in shape.

trackman411 says:

For those who might not have a gym membership or a weight set at home pushups can still get you the results you're looking for. Focus on quality first, slow and squeeze at the top and add variety.

Pushup types; regular, wide, diamond, Archer.

Pushups for lower chest; incline pushups into a chair or step steps, wide incline pushups, diamond incline pushups

Pushups for upper chest; decline push-ups, decline diamond pushups

todretex says:

Low to high cable flys and dumbbell press heavy as you can for strength reps. Also try overhead pressing on smith machine with strong incline. Helps with stability.

Dimitris 90s Child says:


The Secular Atheist says:

Sigh…all these studies are useless…. we've now had decades of people that have built all kinds of spectacular chests….. like, it's been well over 70 years now and plenty of 'data' available for building big chests.
Bigger weights = bigger muscles. Plus high protein diet. That's all the 'data' anyone needs.
Whatever you do, your body will eventually adapt. Just keep lifting heavier weights and eating more protein.
This has been demonstrated by thousands of men over the past 7 decades, of any age.
In fact, the older you are, the less reps you should do, because IF you lose concentration on the high end and get injured, then what?
No..go heavy..go low reps (4-6)… and concentrate with good form.

Oscar says:

So man over 40 needs to swing the head when doing bench press?

iunderstan Photography says:

its the expressions of the Gym Bro for me 🤣
I haven't been doing incline bench press while I've been building my bench press
in the recent past I had shoulder pain when I touch the bar to my chest, so i stopped. at some point the pain went away even after I began again. Now i know not to do it

I need to add the slight incline dumbell press, and the cable low to high. I'n never sure that I have the Lifefitness machine arms and cables angled properly

monroenc200 says:

Love these series because we're all not in our 20s or 30s!!

You Qi Ke says:

thank you so much! Love to collaborate with you, Mia

Jake Williams says:

The thumbnail looks like Gordon Ryan never got tattooed.

Mr GB says:

Your 40+ old looks 90

OldNatty says:

30 to 45 degree db presses. Pec dec.

Fu Gu says:

What you are not mentioning are that there exists more challenging variations of the pushups and you can always add additional weight with a weightvest or a weight disk on your back or why not a backpack loaded with something heavy.

Don't read my name says:

wtf has men age to do with the exercises

Zamolxe Zamolxe says:

how about 30-50 pushups? how about push ups with changing the balance so it is more on side?

Conservative Hawaii says:

I’m 45 been doing that routine for 20 years. I ALWAYS walk into rooms chest first..

H Athlete4ever says:

I might not have access to number 2 because I don't have a decline bench, but I can do the others for sure and will focus more on them during my push and/chest days for sure. Thanks for the video guys! All your guys' videos and stuff has done wonders for me in my fitness journey.

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