Shower After Surgery? When Is It Safe?

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The global COVID-19 pandemic has all of us concerned. This video may be helpful if you have had recent surgery or a minor procedure that required an incision.

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Robert McVeigh says:

What if we have a Wound Vac? I recently had abdominal surgery and now I have a wound vac, any suggestions on how to shower with this device?

Dots Bots says:

What about for Glue after a Appendix removal how can I shower then or should I just wait the 2 weeks until I see my surgery I already got the okay from them but I still feel iffy on it

larriveeman says:

for my open hernia surgery, my surgeons office told me it was fine to take a shower and take the dressing off and keep it off after two days. Just need to keep it dry and clean.

alicia alexxis says:

just got my chemo port removed. thanks for the info ❤

Mikklo DCLXVI says:

This ain’t helpin bruh wtf

Jemimah Ogboru says:

I just had a pilonidal abscess drained and I don't think my dressing is waterproof I was told to have my dressing changed every 48 hours, i don't think i can shower

Tammy Haskell says:

Bro I had stitches on my forehead where I put soap what am I post to do bro

Heather Ann says:

I have open wound about as long as a index finger deep as thumb from infected hysterectomy incision and my surgeon is telling me I can take showers with it not covered

keepitsimple 1 says:

With my TKR, the dressing was taken off when I got home after surgery by my PT so the ice machine could cool the knee. A day after my TKR, I wrapped my knee up with saran wrap and showered. I needed to get that medicine smell off me.

Alida Valentina Gosgnach says:

Wow love you guys!!! You always make me laugh 😂😂 you are the best surgeons ever!! Looking forward to your next video!!😊

Chae White says:

You guys always make me laugh out loud! Great info. Look forward to all your videos.

VM says:

I recently had foot surgery. The dressing started coming off before I even got home. Within a few days, it was hurting even more. After a week, I removed the dressing and my incision was bright red and very painful. With swelling. Went back in to see the surgeon, they spent their time berating me for removing the dressing a week too early. I had meticulously cleaned my foot and put on brand new dressings. I knew it was infected. They didn't want to admit it. The surgeon told me it was not infected. Bright red, with streaks coming out of it, and blisters. I asked for an antibiotic, and then I was berated again and said if it makes me happy he'll give me one. It's been several days, it's starting to subside. I am worried it won't be enough. I have had numerous surgeries in the past, One of them started a slight infection and that surgeon was very concerned. He prescribed two antibiotics which took care of it. This is way worse than that. I am absolutely appalled by this surgeon's behavior. I know if I hadn't intervened myself, I would probably be in the hospital now with sepsis.

Wilma Ballz says:

I had a meniscus tear surgery few days ago and had to have a brace and scared because the leg has gotten very skinny to the point where I can see the outline of my bones should I be worried or is that normal

W. says:

I was afraid of showering after surgery but I'm not sure why cause I am the surgeon….oh I remember cause the plumber said he had to use a snake in the shower stall. Your advice is awesome are you guys full time docs or is it a sideline?….lol

Xamrehh says:

Hey doctor I had left testicle surgery removel my surgeon said I can shower but I fear my stiches are gonna fall out what shall I do

Kai🎧 says:

Thx sm I needed this I got a big one 2 weeks ago I’ve been really worried to

Katie Aus says:

After you have heart surgery the patch drink pop does it come off

Danielle Shay says:

You 2 are so cute! I wish you were my surgeons. I'm having a complete knee replacement in about 2 weeks and I'm very scared. Afraid of the pain. However I've been in pain for years, walk with a cane or walker. I have a high pain tolerance so hope that helps. Thanks for all the info. (Yes, Canada is cold, and I live in a small village and have to fly to get to my hospital. Hope I won't have trouble getting home.)

Enuma A says:

I needed this detailed information 3 weeks ago after a minor procedure!!!

Aman Tuteja says:

Sir i got stiches in foot after how many days it is safe to walk putting pressure on it

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