The BEST Cardio Routine to LOSE FAT (Do This to Keep Your Gains!)

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Joe Delaney says:

Shouts to Patches for his solid advice. Always full of wisdom. Enjoy the video xx p.s. I broke my actual foot since filming this soooo guess who isn't doing any cardio for a while?

Amanda Haynes says:

Really solid contextual advice! I'd like to loose fat while keeping and building some muscle..always concerned about how much cardio I should be doing…I have an idea now!

what what says:

Didn’t realise you were / are in sydney mate ! Awesome !

N R says:

i don't understand why swimming is always considered low impact. it really depends how you do it. if you do the head-over-water breaststroke at a low speed, then yes, it is very low impact. but if you do front crawl sprints, it's definetly not. at least not when you do it right. it's like the difference between running and walking. i would also say it also has more advantages than cycling or other forms of cardio as it involves more muscles, especially ones that are often neglected, even with resistance training.

Darren T says:

Really like the highlighting of extreme specificity here. For the average punter you don’t need to major in the minutiae.

martynblackburn1977 says:

Tip: Treadmill running is hoping not running. Get outside and run!

Leighton Blair says:

Good work!

Simon Kallu says:

Awesome blend of entertainment and content

Michael Amechi says:

Great video Joe, did you finally manage to get the ball to go through the round ring thingy on the white board?

Joe Tighe says:

Luv the way you explain yourself in such a fun way, It was really enjoyable to watch & listen to you, luv it 😜

juandeldiablo696 says:

Doing cardio after lifting is very hard thin to do 😩

Banimeclips says:

Wtf is that jumpshot mate 😂😂😂

Maciej Trąbski says:

Very useful and funny. Thank you!

Brian Wilson says:

I LITERALLY have 7 kids and 3 jobs! My wife and I busted out laughing when you said that! LOL

Adam Ramsden says:

How come YouTube kept Joe from me? Just found this channel. Love this dude.

trkddy says:

train to fight great cardio and a better skill

Bwink23 says:

The answer is to do all of it. Mix up the intensities. Mix up the durations.

KELLAWAY-157 says:

This was a great well put together video. I've always like martial arts for cardio because it's fun. People get stuck on the paralysis by analysis. Just go out and do shit

Charles Sands says:

This was quality and concise information 👌🏾

nick bio says:

just use a rowing machine

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